When a baby is born, it is Sunnah to perform the
1) Azan in the right ear, and iqamat in the left ear (regardless
of male or female). This is based on a hadith narrated by Ubaidillah Bin Abi
Rafi from his father:
"رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أذن
في أذن الحسن بن علي حين ولدته فاطمة بالصلاة"
Which means: "I have seen the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
giving azan in the ear of Hasan Bin Ali when Fatima gave birth to him".
(Narrated by Imam Tirmizi)
2) Give a good name within the seventh day.
3) Shave the head of the baby on the seventh day or
later. The weight of the baby's hair is calculated by the value of gold or
silver and then be given to the poor (sadaqah). According to a hadith:
"يا فاطمة، احلقي رأسه، وتصدقي بزنة شعره
Which means: "O Fatimah, shave her hair and donate
it by the value of silver ". (Narrated by Imam Tirmizi).
4) Perform aqiqah by slaughtering 2 goats for a son, and
a goat for a daughter. In Singapore, aqiqah can be done on Hari Raya Haji.
Based on a hadith, the Prophet s.a.w said:
"الغلام مرتهن بعقيقته، يذبح عنه يوم
السابع، ويسمى ويحلق رأسه"
"A child is in pledge for his aqiqah. Perform the
slaughter on the seventh day, give him a name and shave his hair." (Narrated by Abu Daud)
5) Perform tahnik for the newborn with dates or something sweet.
These rites can be done at any time. However, it is a
sunnah to perform the number 2 to 4 on the seventh day after the birth of a
baby. As for shaving of the baby head, it can be delayed for a valid reason.